Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

Virtual Tour of Israel with Tour Guide Roni Winter

During these unprecedented times, we thought we’d turn to digital technology to bring you this informative Zoom presentation by one of Coral Tour’s top Israeli guides, Roni Winter. For those of you who know Roni, you know of his expert knowledge on all things Israel, his apt story-telling skills and great sense of humor. But […]

Masada Fortress – A Brief History

Masada Fortress – A Brief History Much of what we know about the history of Masada comes from writings of the 1st-century historian Flavius Josephus. Masada, in Hebrew – Metzuda meaning “stronghold”, was first fortified by Alexander Jannaeus, the second king of the Hasmonian Dynasty which ruled over Judaea from 103 to 76 BC. When […]