Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.


Catholic Holy Land Pilgrimage Tours to Israel

Coral Travel & Tours’ friendly and qualified staff will work closely with you to customize your Israel Catholic Pilgrimage Tour. Our promise to you is to create a Catholic Holy Land Trip itinerary that best suits your group’s travel needs. Our customized tours & trip for Christian groups allows participants to view this ancient land from a biblical perspective.

During your Catholic Holy Land tour in Israel experience such sites as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, walk along the Via Dolorosa, ascend Mount Carmel, visit Dormition Abbey, Caesarea, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Garden of Gethsemane, Cana, Bethlehem, Jericho and so much more!

Our Catholic Holy Land Pilgrimage tours include transportation to and from the airport, lodging accommodations, breakfast and dinner daily, a deluxe motorcoach with Wi-Fi, headsets, tips for driver and guide, all site fees on itinerary, Spanish speaking guide and memories to last a lifetime.


Flight from USA to Israel.


Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport you will be greeted by a Coral Tours representative. Meet your guide and start your visit to the Holy Land in Jaffa. Jaffa is known in the bible as Joppa. Considered the world’s oldest port, it is the place the prophet Jonah set sail for Tarshish. Jaffa is also associated with the deeds of St. Peter. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tel Aviv.


This morning drive along the Sharon plains to Caesarea, built by Herod the Great to honor Augustus Caesar, and the place where Paul was imprisoned, and then left on his missionary journeys. We will visit a beautiful example of a Roman Amphitheatre built at the time of Christ. Proceed to Haifa. Visit the Carmelite Church of Stella Maris where Elijah hid away in a cave. Travel along the Jezreel Valley, ascend Mt. Tabor and visit the Church of the Transfiguration where you will also celebrate a mass. Drive to Tiberias.  Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.


The day starts with a drive to Cana of Galilee where Jesus preformed his first miracle at the wedding feast. Continue to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation where the angel appeared to Mary, and Jesus spent his formative years. Mass will be celebrated at the Church. Drive to Megiddo, the fortress city of King Solomon, later built upon by King Ahab. The books of Daniel and Revelation will come alive as we study about the final Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16: 14-19). Return to Tiberias and enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.  Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.


After breakfast visit Capernaum where Jesus started his ministry. Visit Tabgha where the feeding of the 5,000 and the Miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish took place. Continue on to the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter where Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection where you will celebrate mass. Continue on to the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. We will have lunch (on your own) by the Sea of Galilee. After lunch drive up to the Golan Heights where you will hear explanations of the strategic and political significance of this area. Return to Tiberias. You will also visit Bethsaida, the “House of the Fisherman”, the place where Jesus was active as teacher and healer. End the day at Yardenit, on the Jordan River, with an opportunity to be baptized (optional).  Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Tiberias.


After an early departure from Tiberias, drive along the Jordan Valley and along the shores of the Dead Sea to visit Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Those who wish to do so may swim (float) in the salty waters of the Dead Sea before driving on to Jerusalem. On your way to Jerusalem, stop at the Mt. of Temptation and the Tomb of Lazarus in Bethany. Enter the city of Jerusalem as a pilgrim. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


This morning ascend the Mt. of Olives for a breathtaking view of the city across the Kidron Valley to the Eastern Gate. Visit the Chapel of AscensionPater Nostre “Our Father”.  Walk along the Palm Sunday Road,  stopping at Dominus Flevit Church where Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. Visit the Garden of Gethsemane and celebrate mass at the Church of All Nations crowning the Rock of Agony. Visit Mary’s Tomb. On Mount Zion visit the Upper Room, the Tomb of King DavidDormition Abbey, the site of Mary’s deep slumber, and the House of Caiaphas at St. Peter in Gallicantu where Peter denied knowing Jesus. In the late afternoon, visit Bethlehem, the Church of Nativity, pass Rachel’s Tomb and also visit Shepherds’ Field. Return to Jerusalem. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


Free day. Dinner and overnight: Hotel in Jerusalem.


This morning enter the Old City visiting the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sephulcher – the site of Calvary and the Tomb of Jesus. Celebrate mass at the Church. Visit the Church of St. Anne and the Pools of Bethesda where Jesus healed a paralytic; the remains of the Antonia Fortress – the Preatorium, site of the public trial of Jesus; and the Western Wall, a sacred site for the Jewish people. Next, visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum. On your way, visit Ein Kerem, birthplace of John the Baptist and the site of The Church of the Visitation, where Mary recited the magnificent. Late checkout from the hotel.  Farewell dinner. Transfer to the airport for your flight back to the USA.

DAY 10

Your flight back to the USA departs around midnight. Arrive the same day.
866.267.2511                       MON – FRI 9:00AM – 5:00PM (EASTERN TIME)

Enjoy an incredible Israel Catholic Pilgrimage Tour with Coral Tours as your guide. Visit the most notable sites mentioned in the Bible, plus stroll through the beautiful churches and museums, such as The Church of All Nations and Yad Vashem. You’ll be amazed at how much there is to see and do in Israel, the Promised Land!


The Mount of Olives, the Chapel of Ascension, Garden of Gethsemane, Dormition Abbey, Mary’s Tomb, the Shepherds’ Field,  Church of the Holy Sepulcher and more.


Capernaum, home of Peter, Tabgha – the location of the feeding of the 5,000, Mass at the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter, Sea of Galilee Boat Ride and more.

Jordan Valley

Qumran – where the Dead Sea scrolls were found, Dead Sea float, Jordan River, Bethany – known traditionally at the site where John baptized Jesus, and more.

866.267.2511                       MON – FRI 9:00AM – 5:00PM (EASTERN TIME)

Interested in leading a group tour to Israel? Call us today or complete our Request a Quote form and a Coral Travel & Tours representative will contact you. Learn how you can tour Israel for FREE!
866.267.2511                       MON – FRI 9:00AM – 5:00PM (EASTERN TIME)

Deposits and Payments

A $350.00 deposit is required with each reservation form to guarantee booking. The balance is due 60 days prior to departure. All checks should be made payable to Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

Tour Arrangements

Air –  Air Arrangements are included in most group tours. Air is available to individual travelers upon request.

Land –  All packages including overnight hotel stays are quoted based upon double occupancy sharing a twin or double room with private facilities. Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. does not arrange sharing for individual travelers. Single rooms are available at additional cost. Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. reserves the right to substitute hotels based upon availability when necessary. Sightseeing and entrance fees are included as per itinerary. Individual passengers and passengers arriving independently from a scheduled group are responsible for their own transfers.

Not Included

Gratuities, airport taxes and transfers (unless specifically included in certain group tours), optional tours, charges for passports, vaccinations and inoculations, excess baggage charges, accident, trip cancellation and baggage insurance, telephone and cable charges, laundry, meals not specified in the itinerary, liquor, items of a personal nature and any items not specifically listed as included.

Cancellation Penalties

All cancellations must be in writing
  • Up to 100 days prior to departure date $75.00 cancellation fee
  • From 99-61 days prior to departure date $250.00 cancellation fee
  • From 60-46 days prior to departure date $350.00 cancellation fee
  • From 45 days prior to departure date and on – full cancellation fee (100%)


You will be required to provide Coral Travel & Tours with a copy of your passport with final payment. Please Note: The State of Israel requires that your passport have an expiration date not less than 6 months after your date of arrival in Israel. There is no visa requirement for citizens of the United States traveling to Israel. Other nationals should contact their consulate for visa information. For other destinations please contact Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd. Coral Travel & Tours does NOT process visa applications. No inoculations are currently required for travel to Israel. Please contact public health authorities for further information or other destinations.

Fuel Surcharge

Please note fuel surcharges are set by the airline and Coral Travel & Tours has no control over nor receives advance notice of changes. Due to fluctuating global oil prices, the fee may change. The airline will only guarantee the fee at time of ticketing. If the airline imposes an increase, the difference will be the responsibility of each traveler and will be collected prior to departure.

Insurance Note

Travel Insurance is Highly recommended, See attached information. The Exclusion for Pre – Existing Condition will be waived i9f premium is received at the time of orwithin 14 days of the initial deposit/payment for the trip. See Travel Insurance Certificate for complete details. Travel Insurance Benefits are administered by :Trip Mate, Inc. (in CA, dba Trip Mate Insurance Agency). 9225 Ward Parkway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO, 6411, 1-800-888-7292, To review full details online, go to:


Suitcases: 1 per person, not to exceed 50 lbs. for 1 bag. Each can measure up to 62 linear inches (length + height + width). Carry On Luggage: 1 per person, not to exceed 11 lbs. Each can measure up to 45 linear inches (length + height + width).


Any change in the basic program will result in the charge of $150 per change per person plus any additional charges that may apply for revised air or land arrangements.


CORAL TRAVEL & TOURS LTD. (CORAL), and/or its agents and their representatives abroad, act only as agents for the tour participants in making arrangements for hotels, transportation, touring, restaurants, or any other services in connection with the itinerary. They will exercise reasonable care in making such arrangements. However, they do not assume any liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity to person or property because of any act or default of any hotel, carrier, restaurant, company, or person rendering any of the services included in the tours. The tickets, coupons, tariffs, rules or contracts currently in use by any carrier, hotel, restaurant, or other contractor rendering services shall constitute the sole contract between such contractor and the tour participants. CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad, accept no responsibility for any damage, delay, or injury due to sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, government restraints, hostile acts, terrorism, weather, acts of God, or any other cause beyond their personal control. CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad are not responsible for loss of or damage to your luggage, accidents en route, or ill health which may require travelers to miss parts of the tour or to return home without the group. No carrier shall be responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time tour participants are not on board its own conveyance. The tour programs are planned in advance. If between planning time and the actual tour operation, circumstances beyond control require changes, CORAL, and/or its agents and their representatives abroad reserve the right to vary itineraries and substitute components of tour programs. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for any reason whatsoever to alter the arrangements of the itinerary, such alterations may be made without penalty to the operators. The right is reserved to accept or refuse any person as a member of the tour.

866.267.2511                       MON – FRI 9:00AM – 5:00PM (EASTERN TIME)

Best Christian Israel Tours