Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

Lately, it seems that the word “vacation” has become synonymous with luxury. Between hotels, food, and various activities, vacations seem to be more about spending money than resting and relaxing.

Indeed, a chance to go on a trip doesn’t come by too often. It’s tempting to want to experience as much of the location as possible to make sure you make the most out of your trip, especially if you’re planning a trip to Israel.

Israel is a country full of history and the setting for many of the Bible’s most famous stories. It doesn’t get better than this if you’re looking for a Bible land tour or an enriching cultural experience. Best of all is that many of these sites are free or relatively inexpensive admission.

Jesus once said that “(…)it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”.

Sticking to that wise saying, here’s our list of the best places to visit if you’re looking to tour Israel on a budget:

The Church of Annunciation

A proper beginning for any tour, the Church of Annunciation in Nazareth is built on this spot believed to be the home of the Virgin Mary. This is where the Angel Gabriel told her that she would be the mother to the Messiah.

The Church of the Nativity

Following that narrative, you can visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. You will find this 1,500-year-old Basilica with an underground Grotto where Jesus Christ was born.

Jordan River

An important water source for Jerusalem that feeds into the Sea of Galilee, you can visit the very spot where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

The Wedding Church

A Franciscan Church in Cana was built to commemorate the first miracle and one of the most famous miracles performed by Jesus at the Cana Wedding, turning water into wine.

Mount of Beatitudes

This place holds the Domus Galilee, a place for Christian studies and meetings. It is located near the Sea of Galilee, the site to many of the miracles Jesus performed in the New Testament, including walking on water and feeding a multitude of people.

Mount Tabor

Home to the Franciscan Monastery, this is also the spot where Jesus underwent his transfiguration. That event is depicted in a beautiful glass mosaic found inside the church.

Mount Zion

Nearing the end of this list, on Mount Zion, you will find many spots from the Tomb of King David to the Church of the Dormition, where Mary died. Here you also find the Cenacle, which tradition says is where the Last Supper was held.

Church of Holy Sepulcher

The climax of a spiritual journey through Israel. Inside the Church of Holy Sepulcher, you’ll find the Calvary, the site believed by many to be the place of Jesus’ crucifixion, and the tomb of Christ.

Mount of Olives

Surrounded by many other holy places, it is an ancient burial ground where many rabbinical figures and prophets are buried. It was from here that Jesus ascended to Heaven.

The Temple Mount

A Christian tour of Israel would not be complete without visiting the Temple Mount. Where Jesus taught frequently and where Christ will reign from for 1,000 years after the Tribulation Period.

Now, budgeting isn’t about spending as little money as possible; it’s about spending it wisely to get the most out of it. Here at Coral Tours we work hard to plan the best Christian tours of Israel so you can focus on enjoying your bible-themed vacation.

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